Monday, 3 October 2016

digital media, standards

One thing I have been doing lately is starting to look at what is next for the digital media area. While it is not new and has been around for  number of years is the web open formats for media and images.

A number of years ago I watched a website that when you scrolled the image moved. This was part of a tourism New Zealand campaign. I have always wondered how to recreate this type of background and image without scaffold and expensive equipment.

Drones are the answer, with the quality cameras now available and simplicity being able to view what you are filming at the time. This allows the for the ideas to become real.

Here is the case study that started me down this track (took me three days to find it)

I managed to find a great site that uses this format,, it has a video background that uses the .webm format. One thing that is talked about is that you do have to serve up both formats, a .webm format as well as a .mp4 format. That is due to some browsers not being able to use the format.

The webm format and project website

Also the webp format

So starting off with the idea of where I want to go. Scenario: We have a fantastic area near our school, a lot of history and an ever changing environment. Can we promote this?
I know, a jpg file
A screen shot of the website that uses this format for the background
To start to see what I have put together as an example

I used some footage from one of our local parks to demonstrate the idea.

So, looking at the knowledge based standards, not just the skills based standards, what can we do with the students to really get them to show knowledge?

So why, I am looking at ideas to support the learning objectives around understanding of advanced concepts of digital media

I have to look at the ideas of Standards and conventions refer to the technical specifications, guidelines and terminology appropriate to a media type.

So why look at the difference and ideas of jpg, png and webp, as well as .webm and .mp4. Considering the potential uses of these in a students work, as well as what they are developing web wise, it should be part of the course.

Also good for students to be able to discuss the positive and negative implications of adhering to digital media standards and conventions when developing digital media outcomes.

It should be noted that, these are my views and thinking. JPEG vs PNG vs GIF should be sufficient for this standard.
It should be to generalise the idea of standards. What they are, why they work/don’t work, and how it sucks to be a front end dev

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