Friday, 22 August 2008

Subject Choice .4a

Year 9 moving onto Year 10
Option lines have bee added to the specific subjects to be in certain areas.
If I want to I can place subjects into option lines and display.

Code for this is in my book.

So it can be done, just need to develop database to take note of the change and carry them through to confirm and finish pages
At the moment this is on the usb drive 2008.4a

Problems getting this developed, because I do my best coding at night, information is not available straight away from people.
Taster courses and pre ncea course information from year 9 to year 10, at the moment they are 10jap and 10jap1, this breaks my schema of varchar(5). Don't believe I should have to change all of this to varchar(6)
Need to add import csv feature for students update. This is causing me a few problems.
Nieuan and kapa are in because they have standards attached. This has been an issue from day one of the development of this.

One of teh issues with year 9 to year 10 has been 
Question: what do we need to export, what information use to be entered in the past.
Every student need to take english, maths, science, pe and social studies, they only need to choose their language, arts technology options. 
This is the only stuff that needs to be exported.

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