Thursday 31 May 2007

time4online - Student Voice

I have managed to complete my reports and am making time available in my busy life for the online conference now. This morning the latest conference papers when online.

- Keynote: Student Voices from: Rutherford College, Wellington High School, Nelson Central School, Outram School, Wellington Girls' College (past and present), John McGlashan College, Kaikorai Valley College, and Mornington School.

- Keeping Safe Online with NetSafe

- Online publishing with audio and visual tools with Jane Nicholls and Suzie Vesper

I have already been busily watching the keeping safe online with netsafe. I believe that this is becoming more important with the convervence of technologies. I am getting my year 13 students to complete the students voice section of the conference today, by posing the questions to them.

the students voice section poses the following questions

Invite your students to participate on this noticeboard, or add quotes from them yourself:

  • Which technologies do they use often (phone, computer, laptop, iPod, camera...) and what do they use them for?
  • Which Web 2.0 tools do they use at home or at school, and what do they do with/on them?
  • What
    do they enjoy about the web now, and what do they think we might be
    able to do online in the future? Let's get those imaginations spinning!
I will attempt to answer the questions myself.

What technologies do I use often, Mobile phone (txt messaging mostly with the odd phone call), computer (school work and internet access to look at resources for school as well as gaining personal knowledge), I have a school laptop(email and SMS as well as accessing the LMS), my ipaq(on the go music player and calender), digital camera ( Photos to provide evidence of students work, personal images, images to be used in assessment that does not break copyright regulations, am having to do this more and more now.), now getting into use video camera (evidence as well as filming sports events, GPS, (its nice to know where i am, and how to backtrack the way I went, I get lost in the car) wireless internet access, woosh and a WAP, so I can be anywhere in the house and be connected online. Its handy sometimes.

What web 2.0 technologies do I use at the moment. LMS though i do not know if this is really a web 2.0 application as there is limited two way communication. Bebo for social networking, trademe, of course everyone has an account. My own LMS system Interact for my classes, and of course this my blog account, which I am using more and more to write down my reflections. Youtube, a place to grab video content on almost any topic. Flickr, Flickr I use when I need a background for a topic or for backdrops for the Drama classes production. Web 2.0 is for me a place where the users control the content and how it is displayed. The tagging thing I don't really get though, I know about it but don't really know what its main purpose is.

Last, what will happen in the future, computers will probably move towards be smaller and more portable, I look at the iPhone and think that a modified version of that will be the norm. I say bring back the Apple Newton!

This was a device that was ahead of its time. There will still be desktop PC's but they will become the Media centre of the house, more TVon demand will happen and sky might just get there pay TV on demand to actually work, I still have the pamplet somewhere that said we could say what camera we wanted to view the rugby from in a game, we control what angle we want to see, not what the media thinks we should see. Could have made a huge difference when the fog filled Jade stadium with fog in last years super 14 final. Mobile TV on cellphones I think will be a passing fad. But more GPS will be used, cellphones will have the GPS system that will tell you where the closest ATM or mcdonalds is.

Just when I was writing this and sorting it out in my mind for how to develop this for my students to do I started to think, what is Web 3.0...
Online interactive environment in VRML, This was developed a number of years ago and i started to play around with avatars and the like and developed some simple Virtual Reality back in 1997 when it was just being introduced through netscape, is that what web 3.0 is going to become, Today we have secondlife, wow and an number of online realities, does web 3.0 already exist. Man I can see the couch potato being nuked in front of it monitor if this begins to happen. Or is the headset going to become more used. Sunglassess with one eye for the monitor with built in headphones, microphone and look how small they can get a camera now, and the like. Using your cellphone to video conference with someone in another country while on the go could be the norm instead of audio only calls.. Look at the tour de france a number of years ago with lance armstrong and the mp3 sunglasses, being able to hook in a usb drive and listen to music on the go without the cord running down to your pocket. The technology is with us, how is it going to be used? What will be able to do with the Internet a few years time, who really knows, but someone out there is developing a concept right now.

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