CS4HS New Zealand has finsihed, here are some of the notes that were taken at the end.
what are you planning on doing in 2014
what are you planning on doing in 2014
- Learn python
- do 3.44
- Review database plans
- do python
- introduce cs 1.44
- have a go with 3.44
- To look at level 2 and 3 computer science, support what they are doing.
- Programming and digital media combined, with javascript, code avengers
- Fun things for year 10
- waterfall process for planning, development, depth. Rather than just in time agile.
- industry visits
- , preparation
- level 3 course to be more graphic orientated, computer graphics
- do the edem626 course
- cs externals and work together to develop,
- develop a cluster of teachers
- javascript into level 2
- formalise coding club, digital badges,
- edem626 course
- not doubling up on work, using other work to deliver
- ready for level 3 programming
- using databases for one standard and doing regular expressions on the standard to show evidence - practical application.
- getting network protocols chapter sorted to build on top of the infrastructure standard
- Who will you keep in touch with
What questions still need answering?
- Computer clubs to get stronger, dynamic, connected to each other
- How can I get capable students work placement, get out of the school
- Rural is an issue…
- Tour through leading companies
- Sponsor some students to experience companies through google
- NZOI New Zealand Informatic Olympiad (STAR funding)
- Catalyst High School Academy
- Codeavengers
- mashup
- Ministry of Awesome
- How do I encourage the students to come to digital technologies, when it was easy, but now it is hard.
- Credit values for work… This is a new subject, new to the area, we are doing too much for the work…
- Resources that show achieved, merit, excellence.
- Each of the sections and what they got 1.44, 2.44
- how would a video presentation be shown…
- 1.44 why is only 3 credits not 4, doesn’t help with endorsement(14 credits),
- Is there such as things as an IT labourer, what does the non IT professional look like?
- IT Labourer, installation, infrastructure, training and support?
- Developing a range of courses
What is missing?
- Need a DT scholarship
- Literature credits - internal standards need to count for these
- Standards need to last us at least 4 years, they need to be holistic and not dependant on one type of software/application, flexible
Notes from the Unconference
- More computer science for the junior school
- CS Unplugged, more fun activities for juniors/seniors?
- Department of Fun Stuff! Engagement,
- Scratch at Level One, Lower it down to the junior levels, python happening at level one
- Bringing more Science into the junior school, confidence for year 13 class, bring programming in.
- 5 minute things that can be included within the class, lots of little things.
- Just do it!, teach the standards
- Getting intermediate students involved
- Be more adventurous with teaching
- Change from scratch to python
- Using technology to be more mobile while teaching - Splashtop app
- Do more generics, and more CS, using 3.14
- Bridge the gap between what we are going to teach, and how to assess it. Feeling less confident about how to assess than about how to teach.
- Scalability of assessment is difficult