Thursday 18 August 2016

When things get tough

Why is it when things get tough you want to go home and be with family. While I love my job, the school and the students, other things are going wrong.

Two weeks ago I managed to have a rather good crash off my mountain bike a fall onto the hard track. By all accounts of the people I was with, I hit the ground hard. While on the ground I was thinking between winded breaths, oh no, not the shoulder, whats broken, and are the students ok. What is going to happen next, am I that injured, that I am going to have to stop. Turns out that when you stand up the world go rather bright, no broken bones, or nasty cuts, but a couple of ribs are not in a good state at present. Cracked is six weeks of rather interesting faces when laughing, coughing, or just a really deep breath.

Its also some of the other stuff, IEM's take a good amount of time to develop, comments for IEM, as well as progress reports. Just a large amount on an already large amount. School is good with this, great scaffolding for students as well as teachers. New semester, we are now in week 4. However this week we have also had added fun with 2 power outages, 8:10am on Wednesday saw the power out for 1 hour and fifty minutes, then today at 3:10pm the power goes out for another 1 hour and 20 minutes. Great being in the last 20 minutes of the school day.

I look forward to tomorrow, extended learning hub to work through with my year 11 students what their evidence for their IEM looks like, Year 9 was checked on Wednesday afternoon, it is great as their hub coach to go through and see how they have grown as a learner, what personal and academic excellence looks like for them.

Wednesday and Thursday next week are when the IEM are happening, half an hour with learners, whanau, I just hope my ribs and body can cope.

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