Saturday 7 January 2017

Indicators of progresson: Brief development - How Might We

The aim, to get brief development under way as soon as possible. Getting students to look at the How Might We and use aspects of Design Thinking (Stanford) to help them develop their understanding. This helps them to develop ideas at the beginning of the year, so skills and knowledge can be followed up to help them support their project, as I believe that each project will offer some difference.
Rather than focussing on the Achievement Standard, the focus for this will be on the curriculum achievement objective.

Getting students to think about opportunities, I will be using this resource that was shared through NZACDITT - Project Development

The presentation of this will be through the lean canvas.

Level 7 Technology, Brief Development.
This ay be followed up with planning for practice. This will require a field trip.

Achievement objective 

Students will:
Justify the nature of an intended outcome in relation to the issue to be resolved and justify specifications in terms of key stakeholder feedback and wider community considerations.

Teacher guidance

To support students to undertake brief development at level seven teachers could:
  • provide a context that offers a range of issues for students to explore
  • guide students to select an authentic issue within the context. An authentic issue is one which is connected to the context, and allows students to develop a brief for a need or opportunity that can be managed within the boundaries of their available resources.
  • support students to identify a need or opportunity relevant to the issue
  • support students to understand the physical and functional nature required of their outcome
  • support students to justify the nature of their outcome in terms of the issue it is addressing
  • support students to develop specifications and provide justifications for them drawing from stakeholder feedback, and wider community considerations such as the resources available to develop the outcome, ongoing maintenance of the outcome once implemented, sustainability of resources used to develop the outcome and the outcome itself, disposal of the developed outcome when past its use by date.


Students can:
  • explore the context to select an issue
  • identify a need or opportunity relevant to their selected issue
  • establish a conceptual statement that justifies the nature of the outcome and why such an outcome should be developed with reference to the issue it is addressing
  • establish the specifications for an outcome using stakeholder feedback, and based on the nature of the outcome required to address the need or opportunity, consideration of the environment in which the outcome will be situated, and resources available
  • communicate specifications that allow an outcome to be evaluated as fit for purpose
  • justify the specifications in terms of stakeholder feedback, and the nature of the outcome required to address the need or opportunity, consideration of the environment in which the outcome will be situated, and resources available.

Planning for Practice, Level 7

Achievement objective 

Students will:
Critically analyse their own and others’ past and current planning and management practices in order to develop and employ project management practices that will ensure the effective development of an outcome to completion.

Teacher guidance

To support students to undertake planning for practice at level seven teachers could:
  • ensure that there is a brief against which planning to develop an outcome can occur
  • support students to critically analyse a range of planning tools and project management practices that have been used in past technological practice
  • support students to select and use planning tools to make effective planning decisions and establish and manage all resources (including time, money, stakeholder/s, materials, components, software, equipment, tools and/or hardware etc). Effective planning decisions enable the outcome produced to successfully meet the brief.
  • support students to select and use planning tools which will allow for the efficient recording of justifications for key planning decisions made.
  • support students to ensure appropriate resources are available (stakeholder/s, materials, components, software, equipment, tools and/or hardware) suitable for their outcome.


Students can:
  • critically analyse existing planning tools and project management practices to inform the selection of planning tools appropriate for the technological practice to be undertaken, and for recording evidence to support any revisions to planning
  • use planning tools to set achievable goals, manage all resources, plan critical review points, and revise goal and resources as necessary to ensure the effective completion of an outcome
  • use planning tools to provide evidence for any revisions made at critical review points and justifies the appropriateness of planning tools used.

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