Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Resources/Ideas for Digital technologies

It is interesting the development of the New Zealand Digital Technologies ideas. Lately the conversation has been around what resources do you use in class to support the ideas of computational thinking and design and develop digital outcomes.

I think it hasn't been always resources that enable the teaching and learning, but listening to ideas from students.
  • my fun stuff has been brief development where students developed a brief for new training equipment to develop a skillset in PE. (no specific requirement on any tech area)
  • my fun stuff has been technological modelling where students have been developing ideas around an app for developing skills with the primary school students years 4-6
  • my fun stuff has been technological outcomes were students made a stop motion video around relationships for visual text through an english context.
  • my fun stuff has been elements of design creating graphic novels through an english context. 
  • my fun stuff has been digital information using documents and sheets
  • my fun stuff have been digital media photoshop looking at students photo editing skills, collage development and incorporating mixed media to support the ideas required for level one.
  • my fun stuff has been sketchup recreating building around the hobsonville point for historical purposes.
  • my fun stuff has been developing a technological outcome for 5 years through scratch
  • my fun stuff has been programming through ardunio using the mindkits brainboard develop prototypes
  • my fun stuff has been programming through python to develop games through technological systems
  • my fun stuff has been digital information, creating guess who through mysql console for technological modelling.
  • my fun stuff has been digital media through developing simple websites using notepad++ through outcome development.
  • my fun stuff has been teaching students about algorithms, human computer interfaces, data representation which has covered a lot of technological systems.
I often look at the fun stuff and think about what is next for our students. 

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Digital Technologies - Summary of Change


Summary of change


From 2018, Digital Technologies | Hangarau Matihiko (DT | HM) will be integrated into the Technology | Hangarau Learning Areas of The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. This means that learners from Year 1 to Year 13 can develop the DT | HM skills that they need to succeed in the 21st century, at a level appropriate for where they are on their learning journey.

We expect DT | HM to have the following learning progressions:
  • Two dual progressions which reflect both The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and will include Computational Thinking (covering algorithms, programming and data representation), and Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes (covering digital applications and digital systems); and
  • Two further progressions which reflect the unique aspects of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: Ngā Ariā o Ngā Whanaketanga Hangarau Matihiko Arareo Māori, and Te Tangata me te Rorohiko.
Learning progressions have already been applied to the development of the Learning Progression Frameworks, which allow us to better understand how students develop expertise in reading, writing and mathematics from Curriculum Levels 1 through 5 (Years 1 to 10). The learning progressions for DT | HM will highlight the major steps (or signposts) that students take as they develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes in DT | HM, from Year 1 to Year 13. For example, when looking at programming, students might develop from programming simple instructions, to developing software or programming robots. Learning progressions link these capabilities together, and help determine how we can best bring students from the first signpost through to the last.

At a senior secondary level, we expect that these new progressions will form the basis of school curriculum development, so they are informing the review of the current achievement standards.

NCEA Content

In advance of the trial, we have produced early drafts of the reviewed NCEA Level 1 matrix and achievement standards. Our expert writers will be continuing to revise these throughout May, using feedback from education and digital technology specialists, along with the wider sector.

We have developed draft Level 1 achievement standards in the two dual progressions mentioned above – CT and DDDO – and in the two progressions unique to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. The draft Level 1 matrix shows the current titles of these standards. In early June, all trial schools will receive further developed draft curriculum content, the full draft achievement standards, and the draft assessment resources to be trialled in Term 3 this year. Schools would be expected to trial at least one achievement standard.

Draft L1 achievement standards matrix

This was part of the trial letter sent out to schools Term 2 Week 2.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Changing mindsets including my own

I started a class that is looking at creating 3d printed objects with the idea of how do we do recycling better in our school. This was supposed to be a way to get students investigating and seeing what the bottles that they drink from are made of and what happens to them afterwards.

The recycling bins at school
Just some of the bottles that we looked at. Interesting that the Powerade bottle had no markings showing what number recycling it was.

However, it has carried on, students are designing new ideas and bins through tinkercad on how these could actually be made and work. There has been one conversation that keeps going, it is around why not promote recycling through a gamification.

An idea from overseas.

However the students want to link towards the TimeOut Zone idea, where you get to play for tickets and get something from it.

Collect a number of tickets and you get a hot wheels car or lego set/piece.

Interesting ideas, However for a commercial crusher is $6,000.

I also got sent this from one of the parents tonight, who engages with her son on the learning at school.
Bottle and can crushing machine aids charities and environment 
The reverse vending machine
There is also what DB Export are doing, where they are turning bottles into crushed sand.

I continue to challenge the ideas, but also in the back of my head, I am saying, why are we not trying to do this, how can we do this, it is possible, and can raise awareness.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Week 12

It has been a busy week, with things restarting and new classes in operation. Challenging and meeting the students expectations.

Getting students to think about their personal goals and how they are working towards them has been an interesting experience. One of the great conversations was with Natasha in the office about getting students in the hub to help others. Having the students write their goal on a piece of paper and have all the others in hub to give advice and guidance on how they could meet this goal. Students are now writing an attack plan on how they can work towards that goal over the next couple of weeks, 21 day challenge.

While some goals are around developing confidence, they themselves can offer assistance to others in hub. By developing confidence themselves.

Mountain biking today was great. The series is a great way for students to overcome their mindsets. A number of the students who did not do well last year in the first race, managed to do better this year and in some cases overcome a mindset at the start of the day which was I can't do this, through to one of I managed to do this, and do it well.
Conversations over timing and next phases of technology have increased the use of the rfid project. What costs $3000-$4000 a number of years ago, could now be done with a budget of $500.

Mountain biking on Wednesday saw myself having a better time than a number of weeks ago. Seeing the improvement of students and them working towards their own challenges and seeing the habits in action. Something that our year 9 students have seen, but not really engaged with so far.


Not giving up when times are tough.
Being inquisitive and playful. Exploring in search of awe and wonder.
Being imaginative and exploring the what if. Viewing things in new ways. 
Looking back to look forward. 
Taking risks and looking for opportunities which may not yet exist. Giving everything a go.
Doing things with intent and determination. 
Making a difference by using my skills, thoughts, and ideas when working with others.
Working with and learning from others.
Being empathetic, aware, and flexible when making decisions and taking action.
Using initiative to seek out resources and using them in different ways.