Saturday 24 November 2012

Schools reports

School reports and having to marks in for attitude, work ethic and effort. Are these now old school? The New Zealand Curriculum 2007 now has key competencies, should we not be reporting to parents on how there child is meeting these competencies?

Key Competencies in New Zealand
The key competencies are described in The New Zealand Curriculum (2007) as 'the capabilities people need in order to live, learn, work and contribute as active members of their communities'.
The curriculum identifies five key competencies. These are:
-using language, symbols, and texts
-managing self
-relating to others
-participating and contributing

Now there is a message that we should be giving these a star rating or a value on we're they are. Instead they should be a part of the students report, providing examples of how the students have provided evidence.

I am now wondering what other schools are doing in this area?

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