Wednesday 8 October 2014

NZC Explorer

I have started my project, to make the curriculum easier to work through and develop unit plans.
Its called NZC Explorer

Ver 0.1 get dropdown boxes working to select Curriculum Area and Level, add analytics
Ver 0.2 link in database and use GET statements to show select calls. Show a basic list of curriculum areas and levels based upon selection
Ver 0.3 Redo the list of curriculum areas and levels selected to display within a table.
Ver 0.4 add in session to be able to keep a list (array) of the various Achievement Objectives selected, so when click on add button they will be added to the list at the bottom
Ver 0.5 added in a clear button, fixed spelling mistakes
Ver 0.5a adding in new data, always check that the code is individual, this means that the Primary Key will set. Checked the Code format in the spreadsheet that develops the code and fixed to make sure the right code was being created.  This affected Health and Physical Education
Ver 0.6 finish adding in all achievement objectives... redo the code to accept ' and "

To do,
Add in a unit plan template, include drop down boxes of Key Competencies
Schools can look at adding in units of work to see how they match up under faculties



when selecting these are copied into the clipboard

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