Monday 2 April 2007

Staff Meeting

Today there should have been a staff meeting, now at staff meetings is the dissimulation of information to all staff. Normally this is one person telling everyone what they should be doing or debating an important topic in the school. The last couple of staff meetings have been put off due to the senior leadership have not prepared anything or just don't want to do it. Now these staff meetings are being used to get the electronic roll and the paper based roll up to date. Now this could be done in a Guidance meeting time, not the staff meeting time. Now you may be asking why does this matter. Well if they want to have communication with staff and show that they are "Leaders of Learning" then maybe they should show it. Prepare some type of lecture or information to put out to staff and show what you are made of, otherwise the staff will put you down to "Leaders of Discipline"

Staff Meeting Ideas

In the winter dropping the detention back to 45 minutes, the reason for this is for health and the shorter days. In June and July the sun sets at 5:13pm and 5:15pm, with this there is normally a dark twilight, if detention is carried on for an hour until 4:15 this would normally end in students and teachers possibly going home in the dark.

Guidance Meetings held on a Monday afterschool could also be used for form teachers to correct there roll instead of using staff meetings for this purpose.

If staff meetings do not go ahead as planned, how about teachers of junior classess getting together to discuss ideas and/or problems with certain students or how to excel others.

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