Monday 2 April 2007

Tui Road Fight

It is interesting when a member of the senior leadership comes into the staff room at Interval and announces that there is trouble at the Tui Road alleyway. The staff move with such swiftness and response it would make any SWAT team in the world envies, however with this we go quickly and swoop out of the staffroom. It was this when a comment was overheard. "Come on ***, get off your arse and get out there", with a response from ***, "It's ok, ****** is going I don't have to." Now at this time I think should I continue going to the trouble, or turn around and say F**k off, get off your arse and get out there, but no, I carry on out to the trouble running and jumping over the students and low fences in the way, open the side gate near where about 30 students are close to the fence, fling open the gate and see two high school students from another school running away, I see a couple of year 13 students hanging out near the flats and ask them, which way, they point towards Alexander ave and say there is 3 of them, I carry on and see a lady in orange delivering circulars and ask, she points towards the farm. I carry on looking carefully around me seeing of any other teachers are following, there are none, I get to the end of the road and see three students jumping the fence into a property. I wait, they jump back over the fence and carry on past the orchard and associated farm house. When I get back I to the school fence I see the DP and one of the AP's and teachers looking around and seeing what is happening as well as dealing with the mass of students that are attracted to any disturbance with the force at school. I get back in school and lock the side gate. I then go back to the staff room, the bell rings and I sit there finishing my cup of tea. Now I think about this all day, should I complain that a comment was made that a Senior Leadership team member didn't want to support the staff and said, "I don't have to go, ******'s going."

I wait until after school and visit the DP who went out and comment to him about the situation, he says he will have a talk to him. As in the Tui Ad, Yeah, RIGHT. But it raises the question, if this continues to happen will staff going out in support to help, or will we stay inside the warm staff room having our cup of tea and biscuits.

One of the comment the DP made was that a student who was amazed at how fast Sir ran, "My gosh, he is fit". I look at myself and think, Yeah Right, I can probably last about 10 seconds at full speed before something will break, or i run out of puff.

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