Tuesday, 13 August 2013

HCI reflection

Today we had Jeff Johnson present to use again, A great talk, some parts I took away was the that amount of definition that we have in front of us, vs what it is on the sides. If you think about putting your thumb outstretched in front of you, that is high resolution, but on the peripheral it is basically 3 pixels per foot, i.e the size of a lettuce.
We looked at the nzacditt resource around HCI, great to look at how Heuristics (Nielson) are used through various examples.
It was also good hearing Jeff talk about the concepts in his book, the brought a few things home for me.

I plan to do the HCI stuff earlier in the year next year, so students can bring in ideas throughout the year so they have a good student voice example for their external report.

We also got to try out the new widget(app) tonight for HCI, it is a tile game where you click again on a tile if you perceive there has been a delay between your click and the tile showing. Interesting looking at the graph at the end of the test. I like how it follows the idea of a science experiment, we need to use ideas from other curriculum areas to help develop context and terminology as well as literacy.

Also used the csanz.ac.nz brochure tonight at career night, parents seem happy to be able to take something away to read later, refer back to.

As I said throughout tonight, through seek and trademe jobs, there are 3000 IT jobs currently.

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