Monday 21 July 2014

#NZCTech Day 9 have we lost our way

What are we trying to achieve with the Technology Curriculum in schools? All the subjects that have been bundled into Technology want to get out, they don't see the relevance of the document on their subject. It doesn't allow for their knowledge and skills to be measured. Design and Visual Communication want out, so does Digital Technologies, then there is Food Technology. Is Technology the right place? Should there be more areas in our Curriculum? We are limited to the eight that we have now, these have been resourced to provide materials and curriculum support. But have they?

There is so much. Constructivism, PBL, the maker movement, so many ideas that need distilling.

Constructivism is a theory of knowledge that argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas

The maker movement has rekindled interest in manufacturing and hardware, accompanied by the proliferation of inexpensive or less expensive distributed, democratizing manufacturing tools enabled the maker movement to lift off in the mid 2000s.

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving. Students learn both thinking strategies and domain knowledge.

or is it...

Project-based learning (PBL) is considered an alternative to paper-based, rote memorization, teacher-led classrooms.

Technology was introduced as a new area for student learning in 1995. It was a critical addition to the New Zealand Curriculum, allowing students to keep pace with and understand social and technological change. Since then, the need for learning in this curriculum area has increased as our population has become more diverse,technologies have become more sophisticated, demands of the workplace have become more complex, and New Zealand needs to become more innovative to enable social and economic transformation.

Twenty-first century New Zealand needs students who are lifelong learners, confident and creative, connected and actively involved. To be successful citizens of the present and the future, they need interactive experiences in keeping with the technological communities of practice which are currently informing and developing our future.

As young New Zealanders, they also need to know about their technological past and that of other societies and cultures. This allows them to develop an awareness of the impacts and influences of technological developments on environments and societies, and vice versa.

New Zealand’s future relies on encouraging young New Zealanders to pursue careers with a technological focus.

Technology education not only gives all students a fundamental level of technological literacy, but also provides senior secondary students with an educational foundation for technology related careers.

Sometimes where I end up is a little bit strange, I have managed to find after a lot of searching the curriculum document of old

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