Thursday 17 July 2014

#NZCTech day five, reporting

There has been a question on the google group around how do we report at the junior levels,
Should it be BPA or NAME.

Achievement Objectives and Reporting

Achievement objectives in technology have been developed for each component to provide a focus for progression within the programme. They also provide guidance to teachers for the development of a series of coherent learning experiences that could sit within the programme and may be organised into interlinking units of work. Achievement objectives require interpretation by teachers to plan for and deliver multiple-level teaching to address student learning needs within their technology programme. Levelled achievement objectives are not specific Learning Outcomes. Achievement objectives are statements that need to be broken down by teachers into Learning Outcomes to support the planning and delivery of learning experiences, formative assessment and for reporting purposes.

Formative assessment information gained by teachers throughout the learning experiences should provide a picture of student achievement in terms of the achievements objectives. As teachers develop a shared understanding of what student achievement looks like at each level, reporting mechanisms can be effectively developed to ensure this information, along with suggested next steps in learning, is communicated to students, caregivers and subsequent teachers within or across schools. Communicating this level of information is critical to ensure student learning is not disrupted by a change in school and/or teacher.
So, I am still left wondering what could a reporting mechanism look like for technology?

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